WECU Forum 2015 Istanbul


World Class HR Events

Since 2011 Orchid Associates has produced a series of HR specific and Corporate University events and JFI has been with them every step of the way maintaining quality standards. Four continents: Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa; 15 countries including 3 in the Middle East, Turkey and Russia. Thought-provoking events showcase exciting ideas about how to address key business challenges whilst at the same time presenting innovative thinking and practice.

A new addition to the Orchid Associates events portfolio is the Executive Learning Forum. Alongside the HR Directors Forum, World Corporate Universities Forum and HR Trends Symposium; Orchid Associates now covers a wide range of topics associated with HR and Executive Leadership.

Speakers address key challenges from a strategic, technological or a leadership perspective.

Don’t get left behind. Orchid Associates has a range of sponsorship opportunities and is always looking for inspirational speakers for their events. Write to me at office@jfi.training if you have something exciting to speak about and I’ll help you submit your proposal.




2 tickets for your business development executives

Your promotional materials within the document pack

Your hyper-linked company logo on the web site

Your marketing materials distributed during the event

Your company logo banner placed in the main hall

Your company logo included on the official agenda

Post event delegate details for every executive who attended allowing your sales teams to follow up



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